Intimacy with God that leads to the fulfillment of His purposes
Scripture-Led. Spirit-Fed. Worship-Based Prayer Psalm 27:8
Come boldly to the throne of grace to seek His face.
What is worship-based prayer?
On a very basic level, worship-based prayer take our eyes off ourselves and places them on Jesus.  It moves us to pray His thoughts not ours.  This single idea can change our entire approach to prayer.  
Jesus teaches us the model of prayer as recorded in Matthew 6. God desires for us to worship him (Our Father who is in heaven) and to have a reverence for Him(may your name be treated as Holy).  How should we respond? (May your kingdom come, may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven) Lord, use me to accomplish your will. His model continues to teach us to trust Him for our daily request for both our physical and spiritual needs (Give us today our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors). Our last response to Him is to ask Him for help as we go that He would protect us as we pursue His will for our lives (And do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Worship-based Prayer Times






Every Sunday at 9:00 am
Prayer time is held at the Schubert movie theatre
Worship-Based Prayer Model
WELLSPRING COMMUNITY CHURCH (Schubert’s Movie Theater)  
1361 S GRAND AVE.   |   HARTFORD, WI 53027    |   P. 262-673-5500  |   E. OFFICE@WCCHARTFORD.COM

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