Brian Habeth
Faith Story
I’ve come to realize, God usually gets our attention at crossroads or crisis points in our life. Many years ago while a teenager, my sister shared with me for the first time that Jesus died for me and that He wanted a personal relationship with me. Things were going pretty good in my life so I didn’t pay much attention to it even though deep down I knew something was missing in my life. I remember as a young kid laying in my bed at night, wondering who’d remember me when I’m gone, where would I actually go when I die?
Fast forward a few years; my senior year had begun, wrestling had just started and the first day of gun deer hunting season was here. Opening day had just came to an end without a deer. The weather was misty that day, so when I arrive at my house, I began wiping down my gun. I wiped the barrel first, then placed my hand over the end of the barrel and proceeded to wipe down the rest of the gun. When I reached the trigger, the towel got caught in the trigger. (I failed to use the safety and to unload the shells) The gun went off with my hand over the barrel, it sure did a number on my hand. The first hospital was going to amputate the hand, so my parents decided to have the ambulance take me to another hospital. The second hospital was able to save the hand except for my index finger.
The next morning in the hospital, I recalled a few of the bible verses my sister shared with me about how Jesus died for my sins and rose again for me that I would have life but I needed to receive that free gift in order to experience this.
I asked Jesus to forgive me, to live inside me and to begin showing me how to live for Him. I lost a finger but He gave me a whole new life. He gave me a brand new heart, one that began to beat for Him; to think and live in ways that pleased Him.
That one decision many years ago, shaped my life’s decisions such as who to marry, how to raise our kids, where to live and and we live and make our day to day decisions.
Today, God has me and my family on an exciting path of continuing in our faith walk. God is exploding our continued discovery of who He is and How much He loves us. There’s no one greater to give our lives to and to look to the future when we will be with Him forever!
Romans 8:31 If God be for us, who can be against us?
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